Review: 5 - "A masterpiece of literature" by , written on May 4, 2006
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
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  • SKU prodotto: 10222
    MAKE YOUR HOUSE ACOUSTIC  IN-WALL 2-WAY LOUDSPEAKER The 100IW6 loudspeaker which is dedicated to home delivers an amazing sound quality and has a compact design. This product is aimed at small to medium sized rooms and for three types of use: distributed systems (hallways, living rooms…), stereo systems (bedrooms, kitchens…) and Home Cinema systems (in dedicated rooms or living rooms). The product is suitable for every room in the house, even in humid environments such as bathrooms. This in-wall loudspeaker has a new aluminum inverted dome adjustable tweeter, more compact, improving sound dispersion. It is also equipped with a new Polyglass cone (61/2” – 16.5 cm). A two positions switch allows adjusting the trebles and the mid-bass for a better acoustic performance. The 100 Series brings an unexpected musicality to your home with ease. Let yourself be surprised by the technology behind this product, an efficient design and ideal features for an easy use at this price. Accessories required for installation are sold separately (pre-mounting kit and fire rated backcan box)
    MAKE YOUR HOUSE ACOUSTIC  IN-WALL 2-WAY LOUDSPEAKER The 100IW6 loudspeaker which is dedicated to home delivers an amazing sound quality and has a compact design. This product is aimed at small to medium sized rooms and for three types of use: distributed systems (hallways, living rooms…), stereo systems (bedrooms, kitchens…) and Home Cinema systems (in dedicated rooms or living rooms). The product is suitable for every room in the house, even in humid environments such as bathrooms. This in-wall loudspeaker has a new aluminum inverted dome adjustable tweeter, more compact, improving sound dispersion. It is also equipped with a new Polyglass cone (61/2” – 16.5 cm). A two positions switch allows adjusting the trebles and the mid-bass for a better acoustic performance. The 100 Series brings an unexpected musicality to your home with ease. Let yourself be surprised by the technology behind this product, an efficient design and ideal features for an easy use at this price. Accessories required for installation are sold separately (pre-mounting kit and fire rated backcan box)
Attenzione, aggiornamento in data 01/01/21: 

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