Review: 5 - "A masterpiece of literature" by , written on May 4, 2006
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
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Disponibilità: Disponibile
  • SKU prodotto: 10276
€299,00 €349,00

Pre-amplificatore phono MM / MC commutabile -elevata precisione e disturbo ridotto - chassis inalluminio e acciaio - filtro subsonico per eliminaredisturbi nelle basse frequenze causate dalleimperfezioni del vinile - controllo bilanciamentoper le testine Whether you’re dusting off your record collection or embracing analogue through the vinyl revival, there’s a unique experience to be had from the moment you drop the needle on your favourite album. To preserve the unique warmth of the vinyl sound, the Duo phono preamplifier has been carefully designed with a state-of-the-art switch mode power supply and a new surface mounted circuit board layout to reduce unwanted noise. WHY CHOOSE A DEDICATED PHONO PREAMPLIFIER? Due to the low-level signals created by a turntable, not all hi-fi amplifiers will let you connect directly to a record player. The phono preamplifier boosts this signal to something a power amplifier can work with. The challenge at this stage though is that noise can easily be added. This is why we’ve designed the Duo around exceptional components that deliver the warm and detailed sound that’s synonymous with vinyl, all without distorting the signal from your moving magnet cartridge turntable. The switch mode power supply improves performance by switching outside of audible frequency to drastically reduce hum and new circuit board layout uses surface-mount components to reduce noise. VINYL. JUST FOR YOU. Enjoy the warmth of vinyl privately thanks to Duo’s integrated headphone output. Uniquely, we integrated a 6.35mm headphone jack directly into the phono stage, so you can still enjoy your records when there’s no option to play out loud. The integrated headphone output also means no need to turn on your amplifier just to power your headphones, resulting in a more eco-friendly listening experience. ATTENTION TO DETAIL If some records in your collection are a little worse for wear, the subsonic filter will help to eliminate low frequency rumbles that can be caused by imperfections within your vinyl. Combine this with the balance control for handling potential cartridge imbalances in your record player (that can cause a difference between the left and right channels) and the result is a detailed experience with accurate soundstage. ECO FRIENDLY The Duo phono preamplifier is green at heart with less than half a watt standby power consumption and auto power down feature if the unit isn’t used after a 20 minute period. This in turn gives the unit the same worldwide voltage for compatibility wherever you are in the world

MAX POWER CONSUMPTION 10W CARTRIDGE SUPPORT Moving Magnet | Moving Coil GAIN @ 1KHZ MM: 39dB | MC: 60dB NOMINAL OUTPUT 300mV SENSITIVITY FOR NOMINAL OUTPUT MM: 3.35mV | MC: 305uV EQUIVALENT INPUT NOISE (A-WEIGHTED) MM: ~0.09uV | MC: ~0.08uV RIAA CURVE ACCURACY +/- 0.3dB 30Hz-50Hz SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO GROUNDED INPUTS REF. 1V OUTPUT (20HZ-20KHZ BW) MM: >90dB | MC: >70dB THD+N 1KHZ (20-20KHZ BW) MM: 85dB | MC: 75dB DIMENSIONS (H X W X D) 48 x 215 x 159 mm (1.9 x 8.5 x 6.2") WEIGHT 0.95kg (2.1lbs)

Pre-amplificatore phono MM / MC commutabile -elevata precisione e disturbo ridotto - chassis inalluminio e acciaio - filtro subsonico per eliminaredisturbi nelle basse frequenze causate dalleimperfezioni del vinile - controllo bilanciamentoper le testine Whether you’re dusting off your record collection or embracing analogue through the vinyl revival, there’s a unique experience to be had from the moment you drop the needle on your favourite album. To preserve the unique warmth of the vinyl sound, the Duo phono preamplifier has been carefully designed with a state-of-the-art switch mode power supply and a new surface mounted circuit board layout to reduce unwanted noise. WHY CHOOSE A DEDICATED PHONO PREAMPLIFIER? Due to the low-level signals created by a turntable, not all hi-fi amplifiers will let you connect directly to a record player. The phono preamplifier boosts this signal to something a power amplifier can work with. The challenge at this stage though is that noise can easily be added. This is why we’ve designed the Duo around exceptional components that deliver the warm and detailed sound that’s synonymous with vinyl, all without distorting the signal from your moving magnet cartridge turntable. The switch mode power supply improves performance by switching outside of audible frequency to drastically reduce hum and new circuit board layout uses surface-mount components to reduce noise. VINYL. JUST FOR YOU. Enjoy the warmth of vinyl privately thanks to Duo’s integrated headphone output. Uniquely, we integrated a 6.35mm headphone jack directly into the phono stage, so you can still enjoy your records when there’s no option to play out loud. The integrated headphone output also means no need to turn on your amplifier just to power your headphones, resulting in a more eco-friendly listening experience. ATTENTION TO DETAIL If some records in your collection are a little worse for wear, the subsonic filter will help to eliminate low frequency rumbles that can be caused by imperfections within your vinyl. Combine this with the balance control for handling potential cartridge imbalances in your record player (that can cause a difference between the left and right channels) and the result is a detailed experience with accurate soundstage. ECO FRIENDLY The Duo phono preamplifier is green at heart with less than half a watt standby power consumption and auto power down feature if the unit isn’t used after a 20 minute period. This in turn gives the unit the same worldwide voltage for compatibility wherever you are in the world

MAX POWER CONSUMPTION 10W CARTRIDGE SUPPORT Moving Magnet | Moving Coil GAIN @ 1KHZ MM: 39dB | MC: 60dB NOMINAL OUTPUT 300mV SENSITIVITY FOR NOMINAL OUTPUT MM: 3.35mV | MC: 305uV EQUIVALENT INPUT NOISE (A-WEIGHTED) MM: ~0.09uV | MC: ~0.08uV RIAA CURVE ACCURACY +/- 0.3dB 30Hz-50Hz SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO GROUNDED INPUTS REF. 1V OUTPUT (20HZ-20KHZ BW) MM: >90dB | MC: >70dB THD+N 1KHZ (20-20KHZ BW) MM: 85dB | MC: 75dB DIMENSIONS (H X W X D) 48 x 215 x 159 mm (1.9 x 8.5 x 6.2") WEIGHT 0.95kg (2.1lbs)

Attenzione, aggiornamento in data 01/01/21: 

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