Rega Apheta 3 fonorivelatore MC di riferimento assoluto
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Rega Apheta 3 fonorivelatore MC di riferimento assoluto

Disponibilità: Disponibile
  • SKU prodotto: 17405

Grazie a diamanti dal profilo sempre più fine montati a 90°, Apheta 3 riesce ad estrarre dai solchi del disco sempre maggiori dettagli che si traducono poi in maggiore musica; magnete in neodimio super potente e bobina avvolta a mano su una piccolissima croce in ferro per ridurre il peso consentendo maggiore libertà nella tracciatura del solco; corpo unico in alluminio anodizzato con una copertura rigida che protegge i finissimi cablaggi interni perchè il montaggio della testina sul giradischi sia sicuro e senza rischi.

Apheta 3 moving coil

For more than 15 years Rega has been perfecting its unique designs of moving coil cartridges.
We have pioneered undamped micro mass generation systems coupled with high integrity jointless bodies. In recent times we have achieved new levels of power from rare earth magnets. This 15 year evolution using the latest technological manufacturing process and recognised laws (Flemings) bought us the hugely successful Apheta 2.

With the Apheta 3 we have pushed another boundary, for several years we have been developing state of the the art diamond profiles of a "Fine Line "design mounted through 90 degrees (the same technique used in our Aphelion reference model) this work has resulted in Apheta 3 extracting even more detail from the record groove which of course translates into more music.


Apheta 3 features a super high-powered, neodymium magnet and a coil meticulously hand wound on an iron cross that is fifty percent smaller than the MK1 model. This weight reduction allows us greater freedom to track the vinyl groove.

The Apheta 3 is housed within a completely redesigned, single piece, aluminium anodised body and protected by a CAD designed, smoked rigid cover to protect the internal fine wires, making handling whilst fitting, safe and risk free.

The Apheta 3 is the perfect partner for the latest Planar 8 and Planar 10 turntables. The Apheta 3 can be supplied factory fitted at a discounted package rate. Please ask your retailer for details.

A unique design.

Rega’s Moving Coil cartridge design is unique in its approach to achieving an ultra-low mass generator which is undamped (no tie wire) using a unique rhomboid pivot for the cantilever powered by a purpose designed, exclusive to Rega, Neodymium magnet system. This type of design requires a zero-tolerance engineered cartridge body which is Rega’s area of expertise and with the Apheta 3 these bodies are machined from one piece of the highest quality aluminium. This is a difficult and expensive process requiring all of Rega’s years of experience to achieve. In particular, the “zero” tolerancing of the body is required in the alignment and dimension of the pivot pad mounting hole and the magnet mechanism mounting hole relationship.

Conventional MC cartridges utilize a steel suspension system (tie wire) which creates a high amplitude H.F. resonance (normally around 8-12kHz). Such resonance is unacceptable and is usually damped by a rudimentary piece of foam rubber. However, the foam rubber deteriorates with age and cannot prevent the complete structure from vibrating and "ringing".The specifics and adjustment of the tie wire and damping determine whether the cartridge is under damped (bright) or over damped (warm and bass heavy).
A happy medium is rarely achieved.This encouraged Rega to pursue a new direction inspired by modern materials and the basic laws of magnetism. The Apheta 3 contains neither a tie wire nor a foam damper. Moving coil aficionados will all recognise the long search for super clear, high frequency combined with firm, tight bass, characteristics all Rega moving coils exhibit.

Tracking Pressure 1.9 - 2.00g
Input load impedance 100 ohms
Output impedance 10 ohms
Nominal output voltage 350μV
Channel Balance : ≥ 20μV
Separation : ≥ -29dB

Mass 6g

Key Features :

Iron cross & coil assembly 50% smaller than the original Apheta .
One of the world's smallest MC generators.
Cutting edge neodymium magnet.
Fine Line profile nude diamond stylus.
High specification fine wire.

Load settings for adjustable MC stages

Impedance -100ohm
Capacitance - 1000pF
Gain setting - High ('On' position for Rega phono stages)

Grazie a diamanti dal profilo sempre più fine montati a 90°, Apheta 3 riesce ad estrarre dai solchi del disco sempre maggiori dettagli che si traducono poi in maggiore musica; magnete in neodimio super potente e bobina avvolta a mano su una piccolissima croce in ferro per ridurre il peso consentendo maggiore libertà nella tracciatura del solco; corpo unico in alluminio anodizzato con una copertura rigida che protegge i finissimi cablaggi interni perchè il montaggio della testina sul giradischi sia sicuro e senza rischi.

Apheta 3 moving coil

For more than 15 years Rega has been perfecting its unique designs of moving coil cartridges.We have pioneered undamped micro mass generation systems coupled with high integrity jointless bodies. In recent times we have achieved new levels of power from rare earth magnets. This 15 year evolution using the latest technological manufacturing process and recognised laws (Flemings) bought us the hugely successful Apheta 2.

With the Apheta 3 we have pushed another boundary, for several years we have been developing state of the the art diamond profiles of a "Fine Line "design mounted through 90 degrees (the same technique used in our Aphelion reference model) this work has resulted in Apheta 3 extracting even more detail from the record groove which of course translates into more music.


Apheta 3 features a super high-powered, neodymium magnet and a coil meticulously hand wound on an iron cross that is fifty percent smaller than the MK1 model. This weight reduction allows us greater freedom to track the vinyl groove.

The Apheta 3 is housed within a completely redesigned, single piece, aluminium anodised body and protected by a CAD designed, smoked rigid cover to protect the internal fine wires, making handling whilst fitting, safe and risk free.

The Apheta 3 is the perfect partner for the latest Planar 8 and Planar 10 turntables. The Apheta 3 can be supplied factory fitted at a discounted package rate. Please ask your retailer for details.

A unique design.

Rega’s Moving Coil cartridge design is unique in its approach to achieving an ultra-low mass generator which is undamped (no tie wire) using a unique rhomboid pivot for the cantilever powered by a purpose designed, exclusive to Rega, Neodymium magnet system. This type of design requires a zero-tolerance engineered cartridge body which is Rega’s area of expertise and with the Apheta 3 these bodies are machined from one piece of the highest quality aluminium. This is a difficult and expensive process requiring all of Rega’s years of experience to achieve. In particular, the “zero” tolerancing of the body is required in the alignment and dimension of the pivot pad mounting hole and the magnet mechanism mounting hole relationship.

Conventional MC cartridges utilize a steel suspension system (tie wire) which creates a high amplitude H.F. resonance (normally around 8-12kHz). Such resonance is unacceptable and is usually damped by a rudimentary piece of foam rubber. However, the foam rubber deteriorates with age and cannot prevent the complete structure from vibrating and "ringing".The specifics and adjustment of the tie wire and damping determine whether the cartridge is under damped (bright) or over damped (warm and bass heavy).A happy medium is rarely achieved.This encouraged Rega to pursue a new direction inspired by modern materials and the basic laws of magnetism. The Apheta 3 contains neither a tie wire nor a foam damper. Moving coil aficionados will all recognise the long search for super clear, high frequency combined with firm, tight bass, characteristics all Rega moving coils exhibit.

Tracking Pressure 1.9 - 2.00gInput load impedance 100 ohmsOutput impedance 10 ohmsNominal output voltage 350μVChannel Balance : ≥ 20μVSeparation : ≥ -29dB

Mass 6g

Key Features :

Iron cross & coil assembly 50% smaller than the original Apheta .One of the world's smallest MC generators.Cutting edge neodymium magnet.Fine Line profile nude diamond stylus.High specification fine wire.

Load settings for adjustable MC stages

Impedance -100ohmCapacitance - 1000pFGain setting - High ('On' position for Rega phono stages)

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